Clinical Services is responsible for monitoring the incidence of reportable communicable diseases in the community; preventing communicable diseases and promoting disease prevention; and assuring access to treatment of communicable diseases such as STDs, HIV and AIDS, and tuberculosis. The division also provides health assessments for newly arriving refugees, asylees, parolees, and human trafficking victims. In addition, the division has responsibility for registering Orange County births and deaths and issuing associated certificates and permits.
1725 W. 17th Street, Santa Ana
Provides diagnosis and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, anonymous and confidential testing for HIV, and primary medical care and early intervention services for HIV-infected clients.
1725 W. 17th Street, Santa Ana
Performs active surveillance in private physician offices, hospitals, clinics, and community-based organizations to identify and report Orange County HIV and AIDS cases.
1725 W. 17th Street, Santa Ana
Provides diagnosis, treatment and case management for Orange County residents with tuberculosis (TB) disease. Provides TB screening services (TB testing, chest X-rays, symptom check, and physician evaluation, when appropriate) and treatment for latent TB infection for Orange County residents who are at highest risk for progression from TB infection to active TB disease. TB screening services are not offered to individuals needing work or school clearances, including but not limited to: students, teachers, school volunteers, certified employees (e.g., janitors), health care workers, childcare workers, and foster parents.
1725 W 17th Street, Santa Ana
HCA Refugee Health Services Program through a contract with Access California Services provides refugee health assessments for newly arriving refugees, asylees, parolees (Cuban and Haitian entrants) and human trafficking victims.