The OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is a regional interdisciplinary health jurisdiction and an accredited health department, charged with protecting and promoting individual, family and community health through partnership and coordination of public and private sector resources. Many of the HCA's services are preventative in nature and therefore are not readily apparent to the public. Some examples include food protection, monitoring the quality of ocean water, mental health services, alcohol and drug use services, communicable disease control, public health field nursing and public health clinics.
Who We Serve
Our ultimate client is the entire Orange County population. While providing direct services to individual clients or patients, the HCA's primary focus is to protect and promote the health and safety of the community as a whole. As we know, Orange County is continuing to grow and become more diverse. Over the next decade, teens and older adults will become Orange County's fastest growing population sub-groups. The Health Care Agency is continually planning in anticipation of these changes so that our services are sustainable and relevant, meeting needs of the community.

We are composed of service areas for the community. We also have service areas that provide support services internally for the Health Care Agency.

Agency Service Areas